Studying is something that lots of college students just absolutely hate doing. It’s also essential for performing well in school, so you can’t avoid it altogether if you want to pass your classes. Just know this: if you’re a college student who dreads sitting down to study, you’re not alone. The good news is that […]
Author: Studybids
How Do I Improve My Grad School Application?
Graduate school applications are trending upwards and have been for many years. With all this pressure to get into the right school, how can you ensure that your application stands out from the thousands of others that will cross the desks of the admissions team? Here are a few things you should do to make your college […]
5 College Homework Hacks
These days there are so many distractions that pull students away from doing a good job on homework. But homework is a key element to success in any college course, and oftentimes your grade depends on succeeding with take home assignments. So how do you keep up with college homework? The following are a few […]
5 College Homework Management Tips
If you’re a college student struggling to get your homework done, you’re not alone. It can be hard to manage your homework with everything else you have going on. According to some estimates, students should be studying 17 hours a week. The general rule of thumb is that for every hour you spend in class, you […]
How Do You Find the Perfect College for You?
These days there is more pressure than ever to make the right choice for college. At times this decision can feel overwhelming but it’s important to remember that every graduating high school student who is considering college has experienced the exact same thing. Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect college […]