
Five people died after a chartered plane crashed in Ghatkopar, Mumbai

A chartered plane crashed in Ghatkopar, Mumbai.

News Updates: Gregorian calendar month eighteen, 2018, 3:19 pm

VT-UPZ King Air C 9 was to land in Juhu, a registered craft. A fireplace has been put in place instead of fire extinguishing.

Mumbai: Five people were killed when a chartered plane crashed near Ghatkopar in the urban center on T during construction work. The above sources crashed into the open space close to the construction of the aircraft.

The craft registered within the VT-UPZ King Air C90 was routinely scheduled to land in Juhu, however, it crashed at 1:30 in the evening at Sarvodaya Nagar of Ghatkopar. The above sources reported that four to five people were inside the aircraft, a Beechcraft King Air C990 Turboprop.

Sources say this was a cooperative degree engineering flight, which was not a boarding flight.

DG Civil Aviation SB Bhullar said above that for the initial investigation in the plane crash a metric weight team goes to the urban center. He mentioned above that the Craft Accident Investigation Bureau could later conduct a thorough investigation.

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This craft is related to urban centers, mostly UC Aviation Pvt. Ltd. The craft was now closely held by the state government, however, in 2014, the members of the Kothari brothers for the Pan Parag home owners of the urban center

Police, Health Brigade, and Disaster Management Team arrived at this place, Akhilesh Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone-7) told the news agency PTI. A BMC official said above that four hearth engines have reached the spot.

A firefighting team urged the above, “Our room was knowledgeable by informing the plane crash at 1:15 a.m. Our soldiers were taken to the site to start the rescue operation, four fire engines and several water tankers The engine and several other water tankers were set up on the fireplace when the plane crashed.

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