
NASA’s Newest Planetary Hunter, Transit Explanate Survey Satellite Launches New World

Transient Explanette Survey Satellite (TES) searches for planets outside of our solar system, which is NASA’s latest satellite called Exoplanets.

After successful launch in April this year, NASA’s newest planetary hunter, Transit Explanation Survey Satellite (TSE) has now started exploring the planets around the stars nearby. Tess is the NASA’s latest satellite to explore the planets outside our solar system, which is known as the Explanets.

After officially launching the science operation on July 25, TES is expected to transmit its first series science data on Earth in August, and after that every 13.5 days from time to time, because of the spacecraft Earth The closest approach is, NASA said the statement.

Paul Hertz, director of NASA Astrophysics Division, said, “I’m thrilled that our new planet-predicted mission is ready to spoil the neighborhood of our solar system for the new world.”

Hertz said, “Now we know that there are more planets than stars in our universe, I am looking for a weird, magnificent world that we want to find.”

The mission will monitor the nearest and bright stars for periodic dip in their light in the next two years. These incidents, which are called transit, suggest that a planet is passing in front of its star.

This method is expected to find thousands of planets, some of which can potentially support life.

Rakesh Rajput
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