Dhadak, the Hindi remake of the acclaimed marathi film Sairat, released on friday. It marked the much-awaited Bollywood debut of Sridevi and bony Kapoor’s daughter Jahnvi Kapoor. Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishaan Khatter plays the male lead. Ishaan is already a famed name, having starred in Majid Majidi’s on the far side the Clouds last year. […]
Tag: Dhadak
Dhadak Out Today, Arjun Kapoor is PROUD of sister Janhvi Kapoor
Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter’s Dhadak movie is out today in theaters. Many celebrities, including the family members of Janhvi and Ishaan’s, watched the film before everybody else at one of the film’s special screenings. Janhvi’s brother Arjun Kapoor wasn’t noticed at any of the screenings. however, from his tweet it seems, Arjun has watched […]