Beauty Tips

Ways To Maintain Beauty

 1.Use a safe mineral sunscreen every day.

Clean mineral based SPF should be used daily and throughout the year. “Ultraviolet radiation is undoubtedly carcinogenic.” “If you don’t care about this, you think that vain ultraviolet radiation is the main reason for the texture and color changes of aging skin.” To protect your skin, Waldorf recommends using SPF 30 or higher mineral sunscreen (look for active ingredients, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) as the last step in your morning care. Because mineral sunscreen is a physical barrier, it should be used as the last step before makeup: any skin care products you try to use will not penetrate

In addition, smart sunscreen products far exceed SPF. Always pay attention to your time in the sun (read: Don’t sunbathe while exercising), and wear a hat and other protective clothing to maintain beauty

  1. Try to supplement collagen*

Collagen is the most abundant protein in human body and skin. Unfortunately, as we grow older, our natural reserves of this basic protein gradually decrease. Collagen supplements contain amino acids and have been shown to promote the health of hair, skin and nails* By ingesting hydrolyzed collagen peptide, the supplement is absorbed by the body, and then supports the level of natural collagen by stimulating the fibroblasts of cells (or the substances that first produce collagen and elastin), so as to promote health, radiance, and firmness of skin * This is also supported by cold and hard data: research shows that these collagen peptides can support skin elasticity, hydration, and dermal collagen density* If you want our favorite suggestions, please check out our list of best collagen supplements.

  1. Exfoliate.

It is not recommended to use rough scrub or rags. “Mild exfoliation, the use of non irritating acidic cleansers or toners that can dissolve dead skin cells on the surface will cause the skin to glow.”? Removing excess dead skin cells from the outer layer will help smooth the skin texture, improve the absorption rate of skin care products, and make the skin color bright.

  1. Take care of your intestines.

Research has shown that potential intestinal health problems can be manifested on the skin in a variety of ways, from blemishes to redness. This connection even has a name: gut skin axis. Overall intestinal health is subtle and complex, and everyone should take the time to learn how to care for and nourish their unique intestinal flora. However, as far as this article is concerned, there is a general guiding principle: anything that is not healthy for the intestinal tract (such as sugar and processed food) may lead to imbalance of intestinal microorganisms and trigger oxidative stress and inflammatory processes, not only in the intestinal tract, but also in the whole body. Over time, if not controlled, these imbalances will also show up as skin problems. Also, see: If you want clean skin, that’s why you should heal your gut.